Do you hear hissing, whistling, or ringing?

You may suddenly hear whistling, ringing or humming in your ear at a loud pop concert or in the cinema. This is briefly unpleasant, but it is not permanent. If, however, the noises do not disappear again, it is called tinnitus.
But what exactly is Tinnitus?
The term “tinnitus” comes from Latin and means “ringing”. Sufferers also describe it as whistling or buzzing. In most cases, these ear noises are “subjective”, meaning that only the person affected perceives them.
According to its duration, the tinnitus can be diagnosed as acute, subacute or chronic. In general, however, the following always applies: the longer an ear noise remains untreated, the higher the probability that it will become chronic.
The causes and consequences
There are several different things that cause tinnitus. These include exposure to loud noise, sudden hearing loss (SSHL), stress or a reaction to a medication. Tinnitus can also be triggered by functional disorders in the ear and jaw area, or even nervous disorders.
Tinnitus can have varying degrees of severity. Although it may not be a problem for some, others can experience strong, persistent ringing in the ears, which can have serious consequences. Sleep disorders caused by tinnitus can significantly impair our physical and mental health.
Individual therapy and innovative technology
As your ENT Specialist in Berlin, our well-founded therapy is based on precise diagnostics using various modern measuring techniques. This also includes cooperating with other medical specialists, if required.
We work with you to find the most suitable therapy. We apply our many years of experience in combination with state-of-the-art technology for example the web application Tinnitracks (neuro-modulation therapy).
This App can be downloaded to your smartphone and helps you by using your favourite music, to minimise the volume and the degree if irritation tinnitus symptoms evoke.
Do you have any further questions? We are happy to help you. Please contact us and learn more in a personal consultation.
You can reach us at 030 892 99 42 or via our online appointment service.